We are very excited to announce that we have recently launched three new Lotto products on our devices:

• Limited edition Lotto Game!
• Tickets on sale from 20 October 2019 to 10 January 2020
• Only 500 000 tickets available nationwide
• Tickets cost R50
• There will be 10 winning tickets, each one will win a brand-new Mercedes C200 Cabriolet

• Lotto’s newest and most popular game
• Draws and winners every single day
• Tickets cost only R3 per line
• Players choose 5 numbers (self-pick coming soon) or can get a quick pick at a
chance to win!
Kazang vendors can now check and redeem winning lotto tickets for themselves or for their customers
• Available for Lotto, Powerball and Daily Lotto
• Only available for tickets that have been sold by a Kazang Device
For more information, please contact our HelpDesk at 087 550 2955 or help@kazang.com
Sarah Cloete says:
Do I somehow get my money back if I pay out a winning lottery ticket?
Candice Lombard says:
Hi Sarah,
Once you have selected to do a pay-out, the funds will be transferred back into your Kazang Wallet.